The 2021 Summer Scholar poster session will be held virtually on August. 12, 2-4pm.
Right-click your selected logos and save as EPS:
For 2021, the poster session will be held online using an interactive web application. We highly recommend using the Powerpoint template found using the link below or if you have been provided a link to the template(s) located in a Dropbox folder. Please be sure to keep the scaling of your poster in the standard 4:3 layout aspect ratio.
Instructions for Poster Formatting
Format Restrictions
- .png or .jpg format are the only file types that may be used.
- Minimum width is 1000px (26.46cm).
- Minimum height is 600px (15.88cm).
- Maximum file size is 3MB.
- No transparent background.
Resizing your poster to fit the dimension requirements
The most simple way to edit the dimensions of a poster is using a slideshow editor such as Powerpoint or keynote. Here we’ll show you step by step details on how to change your dimensions.
Powerpoint instructions
- Select the Design tab of the toolbar ribbon.
- Select Slide Size icon near the far right end of the toolbar.
- Select Custom Slide Size.
- Leave at least 1/2" margin on all sides in PowerPoint before exporting to a PPT or PDF.
- Submit your work as a PPT or PDF document to avoid any accidental changes to your work and to assure scalability.
- Save all equations using Greek characters and/or other symbols as a vector graphic, not as a special character – non-standard fonts may not carry over properly. To save as a vector graphic, save as EPS.
- When in doubt, always use vector graphics for rendered artwork such as diagrams, charts, or illustrations, when possible to ensure optimal image quality.
- Dark backgrounds often work best (though not always). Don't use a transparent background.
- Allow enough white space between modules and graphics in oder to create more "breathing space" in your work.
- Pay close attention to what you want your audience to see. Design your poster with this in mind. Avoid excessive use of text and try to keep font size to not less than 18pt.
- Poster must include proper logos, and proper statement of support, filling in the blank with your appropriate program name:
- This work was supported by the MRL Summer Internship Program, as part of the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under grant number DMR-14-19807.
- This work was supported by the MRL Community College Internship Program, as part of the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under grant number DMR-14-19807.
- Check with your supervisor or MRSEC HQ for the correct statement for your research.
We will be using for our poster presentations.
A quick tutorial is available here.
For any questions, please contact Lisa Page at, 617-253-5179 or Mark Beals at, 617-253-2129.
Posters may be submitted as early as Monday, August 2.
- Upload your posters to the Poster sumbmission dropbox folder here by 12:00pm on August 10, 2021:
- All posters must be approved by your supervisor prior to submission. Talk with your advisor about which personnel should be posted on the poster, funding support, and intellectual property concerns.
- Be sure to use the correct template (found below) and remember to add the appropriate logos to your poster (in the “Logos” section above).
- Be sure to review the “Poster Tips” section above for optimal image quality.
Let Mark Beals ( know as soon as possible should you have any delay in submitting your poster. Don't worry too much about waiting for last minute data that can hold up your poster; this is a snapshot of your work at the present time.
For a poster template, click